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                                                                What's in this version 
1.                          Family Sharing and gifting
2.                          Option to easily add NFC-Enabled Credit cards
3.                          You can now copy change logs and descriptions.
4.                          New UI
5.                          Use Google LVL protected apps.
6.                          Offline verification
7.                          Disable self updating
8.                          Bug Fixed

   Method 3: Using Xposed Installer ( for lollipop users as well)

1.      Install Lucky Patcher
2.      Install Xposed Installer and install it from inside the app
3.      In Xposed Enable Lucky Patcher Module
4.      Reboot
5.      Open Lucky Patcher/Option/Xposed Setting
6.      Enable all or Which ever u prefer
7.     done
         DOWNLOAD GOOGLE PLAY STORE 6.0.0 apk - here

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